Sunday, April 28, 2013

04/28/2013 - Holstein Park, Bucktown, 2200 N. Oakley Ave. (playground is on Lyndale)

Post #2

link to panorama -

I've wanted to check out Holstein Park for quite some time, so Máximo, George Carlos and I did just that this morning.  This is just a few blocks from my current place of residence (as was the last one, I promise we'll venture out to more distant parks) so our post-breakfast walk led us here.

This park was packed with boys that all seemed to be around the same age as M & GC, so they were plenty entertained and spent the whole time running around with their temporary pals.  The other parents seemed fairly well-off, as is to be expected 'round these here parts.

How'd this park fare?

Máximo - ★★★★★, " had lots of playground stuff that was new, and not a lot of playgrounds have that kind of stuff."

George Carlos - ★★★★★, "I liked it 'cause: I made a new friend, got to play with that remote control car (and drive it), and I got to run away from you [whilst playing cops and robbers]."

new friends and their remote control car

This park has a nice teeter totter too:
no hands
On the south side of Lyndale (the playground is on the north side of Lyndale) is a nice little park with plenty of permanently installed tables with embedded chess boards.  Although I am not totally familiar with chess, Máximo is a "Chess Scholar," at his school, so I guess I'd better learn:

This is a nice park, for sure. Clean and, with the exception of a couple of broken attractions and holes in the spongy surface, pretty well maintained.

I'd give it 4 out of 5, creo.

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