Sunday, April 21, 2013

04/21/2013 - Haas Park, Logan Square, Fullerton & Washtenaw

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Haas Park, Sunday, 04/21/13

Máximo, George Carlos and I walked over to Haas Park from The Fullerton Restaurant this morning, to try to work off some of the pancakes.

How did it fare?  

Máximo - ★ 1/2 (of a 5 star scale), "It didn't have a zip line."

George Carlos - ★, "It was green, just like my shirt.  And I really liked the teeter totter."

said teeter totter

They're both right, actually.  I would've enjoyed a zip-line myself, but all in all the park is pretty rad.  And the mini soccer field that adjoins it looks like a lot of fun and we'll have to come back to enjoy that.

M & G - satisfied

Hass Park gets the M & G seal of approval.

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