Sunday, May 5, 2013

05/05/2013 - Smith Park, West Town, 2526 West Grand Avenue (playground is at Huron & Campbell)

Post #3

link to panorama:

All I knew of this park was that this is where some friends of mine play bocce, so this one was recommended...

Beautiful day for a nice trip to a park, but, since we're at Lyndale and Campbell essentially, we had to get into the car for the trip south past Chicago Ave.

Great park; Máximo noticed a strange piece of equipment upon our arrival, one we'd never before seen.

said piece of equipment

Rate the park, boys:

Máximo - ★★★★★, "It's pretty good, and I liked playing with you. I had a lot of fun.  I liked the twisty thing."

George Carlos - ★★★★★, "Because that king chair. The robot chair that looks like a robot king chair, and, uhm, that squiggly thing, and playing with you, Daddy."

"robot king chair"

This park was definitely crowded, and with well-to-do folks at that.  Honestly, there was a Mercedes Power Wheels crashed in a ditch:

We spent a lot of the time underneath the equipment, pretending to be some sort of underground creatures that avoid sunlight at all cost, which was not unpleasant as this park is well equipped with that spongy-rubbery surface.

They have a small splash-pad area of which we'll surely be returning to take advantage.

This is a fine park, I'll go ahead and give it a five star rating as well.

See you next Sunday.

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