Sunday, July 26, 2015

06/08/2014 - Walsh Park, Wicker Park, (1722 N.) Ashland and the 606 (which was not yet built when we went)

Post #22

Walsh - this was actually the one that we meant to go to when we ended up at Burr Elementary.  We eventually made it two weeks later, and had a great time.  And got some shots of the 606 a year before its launch.
M, G, and January.

George Carlos - ★, "it was awesome. People got to make Jan happy, that's my dog.  And, had a lot of fun.  That's why I gave it a five.  Máximo?"

Máximo - ★, "I'd give it a five, because there was a lot of good equipment, I had a lot of fun, and the zip lines were good.  And I like the wheel spinner."  

Then George Carlos interrupted by saying, "And it was awesome - The End."

This is a good one, indeed, as the boys said.  There are plenty of toadstool jumper things, a staggering amount of swings (10 or so in a row - including the baby ones), and slides galore.  
Decent slides.

We tend to break into games after a while, so I like to get the kids to just exploit the park of its resources so that our review will be informed.


The classic conveyor.

One of these slowly entertaining corkscrews.

Lots of monkeying and climbing to be had.

Monkeying for GCVV.

Monkeying for M.

I think these things power the city, honest.

The 606 when under construction.

Most of the lay o' the land.

All parks have to have these spring things.

Enough swings to choke a horse.


Kiddie attractions for littler ones.

Máximo's famed "wheel spinner."
It's a goodun - comes highly recommended.  We haven't been back since the 606 opened up (we rarely do repeats, only in special cases), but I'm sure it received a face lift.

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