Sunday, June 16, 2013

06/16/2013 - Erhler Park, Logan Square, 2230 W Cortland St

Post #8

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Happy Father's Day to all who fit this description!  For our Father's Day park trip, we went over to Erhler Park over on Cortland and Leavitt (just south of Armitage and west of Leavitt).

It was a hot one, but we still managed to enjoy this one.

George Carlos - ,"...because I got to play in the sand.  That's why I give it 5 stars, because I like sand so much."

Máximo - ★★, "We had fun... It didn't have that much, and it was pretty fun too."

George Carlos in his favorite place

Nice playground, although the slides and equipment were terribly hot, but that has nothing to do with the park.

I went down this slide

Máximo did not, "I'm gonna pass."

The one thing that was slightly annoying was the water fountain, which was always running, and whose drain had been clogged so that it constantly overflowed.  It was impossible to do anything but desire to drink from it.  Luckily I brought water.

Other than this slight quibble, it's a nice park.  Kind of hidden away, with baby and normal swing sets and a good mix of equipment.

I'd give it 3 1/2 stars, personally.

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