Sunday, June 9, 2013

05/26/2013 - Playground on West Side of Humboldt Park, Humboldt Park, Luis Munoz Marin Drive & Division

Post #6 - better late than never
link to panorama:

We've actually visited this park before.  Back in January we stopped here when there was snow on the ground and I considered doing this blog for the boys.

In January, we drew pictures in the snow:


This time it was nice enough to get some enjoyment out of the equipment.


It's your run-of-the-mill playground, in great condition, kind of hidden away within the giant expanse of Humbolt Park.  

Square up:

George Carlos - ★★★,"because there was only one kid there."

Máximo - ★★★, "because of the fish smell."

It would fare just average, in my estimation, had it not been for the crazy-nasty fish smell that permeated every corner of the playground.  We couldn't trace it - thought it was coming from the garbage can... it wasn't.

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