Monday, April 21, 2014

12/01/2013 - Geothe School Playground, Logan Square, 2626 W Belden Ave.

Post #18
Link to panorama -
Of the few parks we had visited before I started this blog, Geothe School's was the worst.  It was run-down, nasty, but close to my home at the time.

Here are some pictures I took in January of 2013 (not terribly comprehensive):

Hiding in the graffiti-insulated igloo.

The rubber mulch under the swings was obliterated and there was even an AK-47 drawn on the slide, in Sharpie.

So we were psyched when they tore it down, and even more psyched to get a look at it (on 12/01/2013) and get to know the newer version of the park.

Though not perfect, the new park has much more to offer, especially for the school kids that actually have to play on it every day.  The entire park had not been completed in December, but we could see that it was far larger and definitely fit for consumption, at least. 

New equipment - including a yet to be destroyed periscope (they rarely work)
 It has some updated climbing equipment, which is always fun:

You can see that the rubber mulch is brand spanking new.
This spinning piece was a head-scratcher, but in a good way.  It was confounding and kept George Carlos and me busy.

It spins, which gives it a barf quality.

They have one of these slow corkscrew apparatuses:

We didn't play too long, and forgot to even speak to it's quality via our patented star review system.

But it was most definitely an improvement.

I'm sure it's open now, but the rest was shrouded in mystery back in December.
Nice job with the clean-up Geothe!

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