Monday, July 27, 2015

07/27/2014 - Lucy Flower Park, Logan Square, Rockwell and Moffat

Post #23

As I attempt to catch up on my gross backlog of park reviews that I have neglected to add to this blog, I get this one.  Lucy Flower Park, which is around the corner from our house, recently rehabbed (we tried to go there sometime in 2013 and it had been razed - I should blog about our failed attempts too), and a fun little park.

Unfortunately, I seem to have only two photos from that day - the above panoramic, and the obligatory signage photo below:

Are these the only pics?  I think Kim has some.
 I'm pretty sure my wife Kim has more from that day (a year ago today, I'm just noticing), and I will add them later - yeah right.

Máximo  1/2, "because there was a splash pad, and it was good weather, and there was good equipment, and I liked climbing on all the stuff."

George Carlos - , "because there was lots of bars, I got climb on a lot of stuff, splash pads... and that is all that I wanted to say."

Welp, without the benefit of photos from that day (I made a valiant effort to find them on Kim's laptop), it's difficult to say much about this park - BUT, the website (below) has great photos and it's just your normal fare.  Nice park.  Sorry about lack of pics.  Egg on face.

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