Friday, November 8, 2013

09/08/2013 - Playground at Brentano Math & Science Academy, Logan Square, 2723 N. Fairfield Avenue (Fairfield & Schubert)

Post #16
Link to panorama -

Sometimes I ask friends about what parks to go to, sometimes I pass parks and make mental notes about visiting them and quite a few times I have scrambled at the last moment to find a suitable park to discover with my sons, and yesterday was one of the scrambling days.

Had to use the outtake pic, it's more charming/character representative.
Having gone to Horner Park last weekend, and been more or less disappointed, I hoped that going to this school's playground merely because it was walking distance from Letizia's was going to yield better results (I don't know how) - AND IT DID.

We had a wonderful time at Lorenz Brentano Math & Science Academy's playground, or in the words of m'boys:

George Carlos - ★★★★, "Mine was five, because it had a lot of 'quipment, and I got to play with Máximo and Daddy... and I got to learn my letters (pointing to a braille lesson piece of playground 'quipment)."  

Máximo - ★★★★, "I give it five stars too, because there was a lot of equipment and I had a lot of fun playing."

(Georgie pipes in after Máximo is done speaking)

"Wait, I got another one.  Mine was fun because I got to go rock climbing the first time."

We had a wonderful time at this park.  The boys and I ran around and played on everything.  This place has an unique set-up, tons of equipment and a nice soft (and intact) rubber mulch padding everywhere.

Climbin stuff.

George enthusiastically sliding.

View from below.

The rock-climbing George mentioned earlier.

This thing.

The single helix.

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Chicago, Illinois, United States